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Cosmos are sun-loving perennials. The foliage is airy and the flowers have daisy-like petals that surround its yellow center. They commonly grow in shades of pink, purple, and white, as well as, orange, burgundy and yellow. Blooming throughout the summer months, they attract birds, bees, and butterflies to your garden. Some varieties can grow up to almost 6 feet tall.

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fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
  • Sow seeds lightly: about ¼-inch deep and 12–18 inches apart
  • Needs soil that is not too rich, as rich soil will encourage foliage at the expense of bloom
  • Be mindful that it takes about 7 weeks from seeds to first bloom
  • Cosmos flowers are drought-tolerant and can tolerate warm, dry weather
  • Water regularly, but make sure you don’t over-water the plants