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Strange Plants of 2012

2 min read | Plants 

Our Strange Plants: Something Old, Something New, and Something Underused!

This month I thought I’d write about some of the new plants we are growing as well as some of the other plants we carry that are rather unique, not your run-of-the-mill plants. At Fairview, we pride ourselves in our vast plant selection, and this year is no different. One quick visit to our greenhouses and you will not be disappointed!

In addition to growing really cool plants (and new plants introduced into the industry) we grow them on a small scale to see how they will perform in our area before growing them to sell in our greenhouses. What works well in Seattle, Texas or Maine probably won’t work well here in North Carolina, as growing conditions vary greatly. Temperature, humidity and moisture content all are factors to consider when choosing plants to grow in your yard.

So when shopping at Fairview, you can shop with confidence that we have done a lot of research on the plants we grow and test them here before selling them to our customers. We want to make sure they perform well so we can all enjoy their beauty! So plant aficionados take heed, as there is sure to be something here to interest you!

NEW! Velox Pink Verbena
A new cross between a verbena and phlox without the problem of powdery mildew.

NEW! Shrimp Plant ‘Fruit Cocktail’
Grows in part shade and is more lime green and pink. Grows 12” – 14” tall and 12” wide.

Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’
We grew this last year. This is a very colorful fountain grass and it is a wonderful plant. Very stunning foliage that grows in full sun and gets 30”-36” tall and should be spaced 36” apart.

Petunia ‘Pretty much Picasso’
Has been around for a couple of years but very popular. It needs full sun to have its hot pink and lime green flowers. Grows 8’ -12’ tall and 12’ – 18’ wide. Great in containers and hanging baskets.

Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’
Has been around several years but is a great plant. It is very airy with tiny flowers that is beautiful in mixed containers. It reminds me of baby’s breath. Growth is 24” tall and 10” – 12” wide. It can be pruned to maintain height.

Alyssum ‘Snow Princess”
Reminds me of candy tuft. It has tiny white flowers with a trailing habit. Growth 4’- 6’ tall and 8’-10’ wide. Heat tolerant.

Pandora Vine
Sun loving with rich green leaves and bountiful vines. Grow on trellis or wall. Blooms 2 or 3 times a year.

Here are two new perennials that we are now growing:

Leucanthemum ‘Daisy May’
White flower with yellow center. Full sun and growth 12’- 24’ tall and about 10’wide. Attract butterflies.

Leucanthemum ‘Banana Cream’
Banana Cream is a pale yellow that brightens to creamy white. Grow in full sun with growth 15’ – 18’ and 18’ wide.

Happy Planting!
Susan Rollins
Fairview Greenhouses & Garden Center