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Creating a Hummingbird Garden

2 min read | Dec 13, 2012 | Yard & Garden 

Would you like to attract the most beloved bird to your yard? While many of us enjoy many species of birds, by far, the hummingbird is the most popular bird of all. Of the 328 hummingbird species presently recognized, the ruby-throated hummingbird is the only widespread hummer in the eastern United States. Only male ruby-throated hummingbirds have the red throat that their name implies. Females, though similar to the males, have white throats; thus, making them easily distinguishable. However, it should be noted, that young male hummingbirds will masquerade as female hummers until their first winter, when their adult plumage comes in. Who knew this tiny bird (measuring 3” from tip of beak to tail) was so complicated?

Gardening for hummingbirds, on the other hand, isn’t complicated at all. Hummingbirds love plants with long, tubular red and orange flowers (the firecracker plant and trumpet vine are two good examples). Though, they are attracted to many different types of blooms. With a little planning and work, a hummingbird garden can attract the hummingbirds you want and be pleasing to the human eye at the same time. Below are plans for a 2’ x 4’HummingbirdSunGarden, which will bloom spring through fall until the first frost.If you are looking to create something a little larger, maybe consider a hummingbird habitat that incorporates trees and shrubs as well. Just important as nectar-producing plants and shelter, properly maintained feeders and a water feature (such as a mister) are welcome additions to any hummingbird habitat. Furthermore, attracting insects and spiders to your habitat (that hummingbirds use as a source of protein and fat) are sure to generate more traffic from this fluttering bird.

All in all, this lovely bird is easy to attract with a little know-how. Plant a few special plants, keep your feeders clean and filled, and within no time you will notice some activity. Once one hummingbird visits your yard, others will come… just wait and see! Until next time, happy hummingbird gardening!

Heather W. and Ann. G.
FairviewGreenhouses & GardenCenter