Plant Parenthood Panel Discussion
Fairview Greenhouses & Garden Center will host a houseplant-centered discussion featuring local panelists with a love of indoor plants, a dedicated social media following and some serious plant knowledge. This event will take place on Saturday, March 28 at 11 am at 8224 Holly Springs Rd. in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The panel will discuss:
- Favorite houseplants and how to care for them.
- Trials and tribulations of #plantparenthood.
- Common indoor plant pests and how to combat them.
- How to choose the right houseplant for the right spot.
- Answer burning houseplant questions from the audience.

Speakers include:
- Meagan Chabot (@thebarefootgardener, @raleighplantswap) Gardener, greenhouse and plant collector. Curator and host of #raleighplantswap #meaganblue
- Brandon Huber (@bhubzz) PhD student, NC State horticulture. Grower of a diverse range of plants including giant vegetables, aroids, carnivorous plants.
- Amanda Wright (@amandaraewright) Artist, plant lady, decor lover “Trying to hoard plants in an aesthetically pleasing way.” Making plant-y products, stationery & gifts @witandwhistle
- Ashley Franklin (@plantingtheworldred) Plant collector and YouTuber from Raleigh, NC. “All things grow with a little light, love and water.”
The Plant Parenthood Panel Discussion is a good fit for anyone interested in plants at any skill level. The event is family friendly and admission is free. Space is limited and registration is recommended. Come with questions & curiosity.

El Jefecito Food Truck will serve lunch on site from 11:30 am – 2:30 pm. Food trucks will charge their regular prices for the food offered.
Guests can find out more about the event details by visiting Guests can register for the event at