How to Protect Your Plants From the Summer Heat
In the sweltering heat of the southeastern states, it’s hard to keep cool. While some outdoor plants are heat-tolerant, most can’t stand extended periods of extreme heat. We can’t control the weather, but we can control how much it affects our garden beds and container gardens. If you’re looking for ways to cool your plants down in the summer heat, we’ve got you covered!
What Temperature Is Too Hot for Plants?
Generally, at temperatures of 90°F or higher, you’ll often see flowers or leaves wilt. In hotter temperatures, water evaporates more quickly, depleting your plant’s water reserve and putting them under stress. Some plants will close their stomata (leaf pores) to prevent water from escaping, essentially cutting off their access to carbon dioxide—making them more susceptible to pest damage or stunted growth.
Tricks to Keep Your Plants Cool During Hot Weather
Keeping your plants cool in the summer is essential to their survival and growth. If you’re expecting high temperatures, it’s best to think and prepare ahead of time to avoid adding more stress to your plants.
Select the Right Plants for Your Region
While they may be pretty, some plants aren’t cut out for intense heat. Depending on your growing zone, choose plants that can withstand heat. Tropical plants are adapted to humid, sticky environments, while drought-tolerant plants thrive in regions that receive little rainfall.

Utilize Shade
One of the easiest ways to shield your plants from the sun is to utilize shade. Whether you plant in a spot with filtered sunlight, or construct shade of your own, blocking the sun’s rays will keep the soil cool. Some other methods to decrease your yard’s temperature include:
- Planting on the western side of large structures, shrubs or tall flowers
- Building a shade garden
- Planting sun-loving groundcover
Any ounce of shade helps, especially for plants sensitive to heat. Taking preventative measures before a heat wave sets your plants up for success.
Water Thoroughly and Mulch
Mulching your soil early improves the soil’s moisture and provides a layer of protection from the elements. You may have to mulch once or twice more throughout the hotter months to limit water loss. On days when the temperature is over 90°F, water the soil thoroughly to give your plants access to plenty of water.

Build a Summer-Loving Garden with Fairview Garden Center
In need of plants that love a little extra heat? Browse our wide selection of high-quality plants, shrubs and trees and find the perfect plants that won’t compete with the summer heat. Contact us today to learn more about our range of gardening products and services!