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How to Grow and Care for Basil: Your Complete Guide

Basil is indisputably the most popular herb grown in gardens. If you’re planting only one herb this year, chances are it will be sweet basil! Its popularity comes as no surprise—it’s fragrant, attractive and delicious, enhancing the flavor of many dishes. Learn more about how to care for your basil below.

Planting Basil

When to Plant

Plant basil in the spring after the last frost, and when soil temperatures are consistently warm. If you plan to keep it indoors, basil can be planted year-round with proper lighting. Start seeds indoors four to six weeks before moving them outside.

Where to Plant

Choose a sunny spot that gets at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. Basil prefers well-draining, nutrient-rich soil that receives good circulation.

How to Plant

Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep and make sure to plant them about 12-18 inches apart. Be sure to water your basil regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not soaked. 

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  • Light Requirements: Basil thrives in full sun, so aim to expose it to direct sunlight daily for six to eight hours. If you’re growing it indoors, place the pot near a sunny window or under grow lights so it receives adequate light.
  • Soil Type: Use well-draining, nutrient-rich soil with a pH level of 6.0 to 7.5. Avoid compacted soil as it may restrict root growth and can lead to root rot if left wet.
  • Watering: Water basil regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Temperature: Basil grows best in temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C), and temperatures below 45°F will kill it. The only way to save basil from winter temperature is by putting it in a container and bringing it indoors—but be careful: if your planter is right by a windowsill, ensure that the cold doesn’t permeate through the window and harm your basil.
  • Maintenance: Pinch off the tops (that is, cut the main stem at the top) to encourage bushier growth and prevent early flowering. Remove any yellow or damaged leaves to keep the plant healthy.

What Are the Most Popular Varieties of Basil?

Sweet Basil

  • Most common variety used in cooking.
  • Has a sweet, aromatic flavor.

Lemon Basil

  • Grows up to 2 feet tall.
  • Features a distinct lemon scent and flavor.

Purple Basil

  • Known for its reddish-purple leaves and pink flowers.
  • Adds a red hue to vinegar and other culinary creations.

Compact or Dwarf Basil

  • Reaches about 12 inches in height, forming a mound.
  • Displays bright green foliage and white flowers.

Basil Popular Uses

  • Basil is prominently used in Italian, Mediterranean and Thai cuisine. It’s a key ingredient in pesto, as well as many salad dressings, soups and stir-fry dishes. Beyond that, it pairs well with fresh fruits, jams and salads.

Basil Fun Facts

  • The name “basil” comes from the Greek word meaning “king;” the French call it the “Royal Herb.”
  • Basil has cultural significance in various religions, including Hinduism and Greek Orthodox traditions.
  • In 1600s Salem, MA, basil plants were linked to witchcraft suspicions!