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Anthuriums are native to the tropical rainforests throughout Central and South America. It is an evergreen upright plant that is multi-stemmed with varying shades of red, heart-shaped flowers with deep green leaves.

The common houseplant Anthuriums are grown for their brightly colored & long-lasting, pink to reddish flower spathes and their ornamental leaves. They have long-lasting flowers which often last up to 6 weeks.

Common names include Anthurium, Flamingo Flower, Flamingo Lily, and Tailflower.

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fairview plants
fairview plants
  • Anthuriums do best with a bright, indirect light but not direct sunlight.
  • Water thoroughly, but allow the plant to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Do not over-water as it may cause root damage and yellowing of the leaves.
  • A well-drained soil is important to prevent the rotting of stems and roots.
  • Fertilize the anthurium plant about every other month.
  • Avoid temperature fluctuations. Keep temperatures at or above 60 F. If temperatures dip below this level, the plant will likely suffer.