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Considered to be a choice houseplant due to its beautiful and long blooming flower-heads, Bromeliads are exotic, colorful plants that are easy to grow. This tropical-like plant is offered in a variety of sizes and colors. The colorful spikes last for several months and the inconspicuous little flowers will eventually appear overtime, creating beautiful, smooth foliage and heavily barbed leaves. Once the spike has bloomed, it will die and will never bloom again. The spikes must then be cut back to allow the plant to multiply.

The “mother plant” will produce “pups” which will eventually turn into another plant. These “pups” can stay on the original plant or may be cut out to produce a new plant. Make sure you get as much of the original root system as possible because each pup will have its own bloom and will eventually produce more pups.

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fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
  • Up to 2’ Tall
  • High light – Low light
  • Water plant by placing water in ‘vase’ of foliage
  • Easy to grow
  • Needs warmth
  • Lighting
  • Indoors – medium to high light
  • Outdoors – Slightly shaded or diffused sun during the summer months

Keep soil moist but not soggy (no wet feet). Constantly wet soil can cause root rot. The cup of the bromeliad should be kept supplied with water. Distilled or rainwater is best, but tap water at room temperature is fine. If your room is dry, you can mist once every week or so.

You can fertilize four to six times a year, with a batch of half strength household fertilizer (such as Ironite or Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food) making sure to mist the leaves. When transplanting or repotting, you may add time-released fertilizer such as Osmocote to the soil.

65-70° F is ideal, but they can take extremely high temperatures as long as it is kept moist.

Encase bromeliad, pot and all, in a clear plastic bag. Add an apple and seal the bag. Keep the bagged plant out of sunshine for four days. Then, remove the plant and discard the apple; put the plant back in its normal location. The plant should start to show color and bloom within a month. If nothing happens after forty days, try again.