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This large, diverse group — also known as Spurge — is mostly made up of succulents. Euphorbia is known for its resilience, various shapes and red and yellow flowers. With evergreens and perennials to cacti-looking plants, and heights and widths ranging from 6 to 26 inches, there’s at least one that’s just right for your setup or style.

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6 hours of full sunlight per day is key, but some afternoon shade is okay for most types (especially in hotter climates). Most will benefit from fertilizer and a couple inches of water per day in the spring, summer and fall when soil feels dry (in the winter, water is only needed when wilting is visible). 

There are so many to choose from, but popular types include Poinsettias (pinkish and red leaves), Dragon Bones Trees (white and lime-green patterns) and Crown of Thorns (pink, red and/or yellow flowers). 

The waxy sap Euphorbia can produce is toxic to people and pets, so take care when handling. Even when not ingested, it can still be a skin and eye irritant.