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Million Bells


Gorgeous mounding and trailing summer annual. Everblooming mini-petunia shaped flowers that cover a spectrum of colors. Flowers bloom from spring until first frost and attact hummingbirds and butterflies. Although Calibrachoa love the sun, they perform well in part shade. Great in container gardens or at the edge of color beds.

Available in hanging baskets, 4” pots, 6” pots, 8” pots and combination gardens.

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fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants
fairview plants

Million Bells are a hybrid of the native South American species, introduced in the early 1990s. Since that time they have become a popular addition to many gardens.

Million Bells are named for their many blooms which resemble mini-petunias or small bells.

Million Bells come in a wide variety of colors, some of the more popular being pink, violet and white. While there are many colors to choose from, most Million Bells remain nearly the same size, from 6-12” in height.

Million Bells are very easy plants to grown and look beautiful and full in baskets, containers or as ground cover. Care is minimal, making this a great choice for any garden.

Million bells prefer full to partial sun, in the warm summers of North Carolina some shade can be beneficial.

Soil should be kept moist, especially in the hot summer sun. Allow surface soil to dry between waterings to avoid over-watering.