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Sweet Peas

This relaxed, multi-bloom annual has a lot going for it. Its variety of colors and great fragrance (often a mix of orange and honey), are perfect for creating a relaxing, countryside vibe. Plus, they’re as hardy as they are delicate looking. For the most size (anywhere from 1- to 8-feet depending on the variety), they’re best supported by something to grow on. They’re known as a climbing plant for this reason.

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Get started with planting in late winter or early spring (when the soil is dry enough to easily plant them). You can get started indoors before then if you want to get a head start. While slow to germinate and get going, they’re resilient once they’re established. If you’re feeling particularly challenged, there may be another variety you have more success with. 

Before and after they’ve germinated (7-15 days after planting), continue to keep them moist weekly and fertilized (if you’ve not used compost/manure). Once established, you can also consider incorporating a mulch. Whether it’s a pole, trellis or something else, offering some tied support for the first few stems will help establish sturdiness. Ample sun is best, but for an especially hot area, some shade will help in the afternoon (they dislike extremely warm temperatures).

With the amount to choose from, it’s more a matter of narrowing down your selection. Besides just the color, sure to consider what you’re looking for in a fragrance, too. Varieties like the Bijou Group and the Old Fashioned will have a considerable sweet fragrance. On the other hand, something like Spencer Cultivars will offer hardiness without much of a scent. 

If you plan on picking them, be sure to do so in the early morning. This will ensure they retain a better scent.