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Dill is a fast-growing, cool weather annual that will re-seed itself if left to flower. It has loose, feathery, blue-green leaves with fine yellow flowers in the summer; the seeds are a pale brown color.

Dill loves full sun and works well in the back of an herb garden. It makes a great addition to butterfly gardens as it is a host plant for black swallowtail caterpillars. Like most herbs, the leaves of the dill plant can be used both fresh and dried.

Dill is a lovely plant that tastes great, smells great and adds height and texture to any garden; it’s a definite must-have for any herb or butterfly garden! As an added bonus, it’s a naturally deer-resistant plant because the scent is too strong for their delicate sense of smell.

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fairview plants
fairview plants
  • Dill grows best in direct sunlight or areas that get between 6-8 hours of sun every day.
  • Use well-draining, slightly acidic soil that’s rich in organic matter.
  • Dill foliage can easily get blown away, so avoid planting it in windy areas. 
  • Plant seeds about a quarter of an inch into the soil.
  • Avoid planting dill near fennel, as fennel can inhibit growth. 
  • Dill does not transplant well.
  • Plant dill after the last frost has passed and the ground has had a chance to warm up a bit. 
  • Sow seeds every few weeks if you’re looking for a constant yield for pickling purposes.
  • Don’t let the plant dry out too much; continue to water throughout the season.