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Add holiday cheer and bright color to your home with Amaryllis! This beautiful plant is a winter favorite because they grow so easily inside.

Enjoy blooms in shades of red and white, as well as pink, orange and yellow. The petals are big, bright, and trumpet-shaped – perfect for cheering up any indoor space! Each plant typically produces two flowers at a time.

At Fairview Garden Center, you can find potted amaryllis in full bloom or in amaryllis bulbs ready for planting. Whichever you choose, amaryllis plants are easy to care for and grow year after year. You’ll love accessorizing your home with amaryllis this season or gifting these festive flowers to loved ones.

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fairview plants
fairview plants
  • Amaryllis plants are grown from bulbs. 
  • Most amaryllis will produce two or more flowers at a time. 
  • Flowers are roughly 8-9” in diameter and rest on long 2” thick stems.
  • When planting a bulb, make sure that 1/3 of the bulb is above the soil and water thoroughly. 
  • Place in a warm location (70-75° F).
  • After sprouting, water and fertilize regularly.
  • Once sprouting begins, you can expect to see flowers in 6-8 weeks.
  • Rotate your amaryllis regularly to encourage straight stem growth. 
  • Once your amaryllis begins to open, move it to a slightly cooler location (65° F). 
  • When the flowers begin to fade, cut off the stem to encourage new growth.