Ghost Fern (Athyrium)
The Athyrium Ghost Fern, also known simply as "Ghost Fern," is a captivating fern variety that adds elegance and texture to shady garden spots. It is a hybrid of two kinds of ferns: the U.S. native Lady Fern, and the Japanese painted fern.
The Ghost Fern is prized for its frosted silvery fronds, which create a mesmerizing effect in shaded areas. The delicate wine-red stems add further interest and contrast to the foliage, making it a striking focal point in the garden. Moreover, the Ghost Fern typically grows to a height of 18-24 inches, making it an ideal choice for adding vertical interest to shade gardens or woodland landscapes. Its compact size makes it suitable for border plantings, container gardens, or mixed perennial beds.
With its distinctive, unique foliage that appears to glow in low light conditions, this deciduous fern is sure to become a standout feature in any garden or landscape!