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Shasta Daisies (Leucanthemum)

Daisies are an old-time favorite that are still very popular. These white flowers with yellow centers bloom all summer long sitting on top of rich green, leathery foliage. Daisies make great cut flowers, attract butterflies and are deer and rabbit resistant.

‘Becky’ is a popular variety for those looking for height. This larger variety reaches 36” to 40” tall. It is heat and humidity tolerant.

‘Snow cap’ is another popular variety that is great for gardeners who prefer blooms over height. This shorter variety reaches 12” to 15” tall. It is compact with a nice mounding habit and prolific blooms.

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fairview plants
fairview plants
  • Sun to part sun
  • Prefers some afternoon shade in hot areas 
  • Moderate water 
  • Deadhead to promote longer bloom times