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Fountain Grass (Pennisetum)

Fountain grass is a perennial, ornamental grass that is deer resistant and thrives in full sun.

It grows in a fountain-like habit, and produces bottle-brush type blooms beginning at the end of summer and carrying through the fall. The plumes can be used with cut flowers in vases if cut before maturity. Otherwise, the birds will enjoy the seed heads in winter!

This showy grass comes in varieties ranging from 12 inches to 4 feet in height. Some of our favorite varieties are “Little Bunny”, “Burgundy Bunny” and “Little Kitten.”

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fairview plants
  • Prefers full sun
  • Should be planted in well-draining soil
  • Drought tolerant. 
  • Do not cut back during winter to provide visual interest and a stopping place for birds 
  • Around the last week of February or first week of March, give the grass a very short buzz-cut 
  • New growth will begin from the ground up