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1 min read | Plants 

Grown mostly for it’s ability to help soothe burns, this lovely houseplant is a welcome addition to any kitchen, garden or special sunny nook in your home. The thick, soft spikes of the aloe plant will add texture and a splash of color to your home, while being functional at the same time. You cannot go wrong with this low maintenance plant; a must have for any home.

Growth & Care
This lovely, useful plant has thick green leaves with soft spikes on the edges. It works well in containers and can be put outside during the summer months. If placing outside, be sure to put in morning sun and afternoon shade (and bring indoors before the first frost). If you prefer to keep your aloe indoors, make sure to put near a sunny window. When planting, make sure to plant in a succulent soil blend or mix with a porous, sandy soil. It is important that your plant has good drainage and that you let it dry out between waterings, as over watering can be detrimental to the plant. Fertilize your aloe plant once a year with one-half strength fertilizer (fertilizer with a high middle number).Popular Uses
This popular houseplant (or annual, if planted outside in Raleigh) is best known for its ability to treat minor burns, whether they be sunburns or other types. Also makes a great moisturizer for dry, chapped skin.

Did You Know?
As your aloe plant grows, new plants will form from the mother plant. Once these new plants have a strong root system (when they are roughly two inches tall), you can transplant them to another container and have an entirely new plant!

Just for Fun
– Originated in Africa
– Consists of 95% water
– Mentioned in the New Testament

Happy Herb Gardening!
Pegi R.
FairviewGreenhouses & GardenCenter