Often thought of for stuffings and soups, this aromatic herb works well as potpourri, among other uses! We offer several varieties of sage at Fairview… from common to tri-color, we’ve got you covered! Not sure which variety will best suit your needs? Ask our greenhouse staff for help! Read on…
Growth Habit
Sage is a perennial with an average lifespan of four years. It loves the sun and, once established, is drought tolerant. It should be planted in well drained soil and protected from the wind. Both the leaves and flowers are edible and it can be used both fresh and dried. It has a bitter, lemony taste with fresh being more pungent. The younger leaves have the most flavor. Sage has woody square stems with velvety leaves. Plants should be cut back in early sprig to promote bushiness.Popular Varieties
– Common or Garden Sage: 24” – 30” with grey-green fragrant leaves. Flowers in summer are a bluish-purple color. Chopped leaves can be mixed with water and frozen like ice cubes.
– Purple Sage: purple-red leaves
– Tri-Color Sage: Foliage has cream, purple and green leaves
– Pineapple Sage: Four feet tall with red flowers in the fall. Great for tea and flavoring jams and jellies. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Possible Uses
– Flavor sausages, stuffings, chicken, turkey, soups, tea, bread & fish
– Attracts bees
– Deer and rabbit resistant
– Moth repellent
– Great as a medium height plant in containers or herb gardens
– Potpourri
Just for Fun
Note: We do not support medicinal uses of herbs and are not suggesting they should be used as such. Contact your physician for further information.
– Romans used this herb to cure snake bites, depression and promote long life.
– Its native habitat is the Mediterranean.
– It is related to the mint family.
– Sage is highly regarded as a medicinal herb.
– Sage is known to help with sore throats, relieving arthritis, excessive sweating, hot flashes, menstrual problems and deters milk production when weaning a baby.
– Sage has also been used to kill bacteria.
Happy Herb Gardening!
Pegi R.
FairviewGreenhouses & GardenCenter