Celebrating 51 years in business
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Homegrown Raleigh, NC Annual Flowers & Plants

Watch our video explaining the difference between annuals and perennials!

We’re not ones to brag, but our greenhouses have been called the eighth world wonder. When you visit Fairview Garden Center, you will understand how we could earn such a title. Our retail greenhouses contain over 14,000 square feet of unique, homegrown annual plants in Raleigh, NC. In the spring and summer months, the greenhouse is filled with a rainbow of colors, followed by warm autumn color of cool season annuals, and pink and red poinsettias during the holidays.

Annuals Offered at Fairview Garden Center

Our vast selection of quality annuals would make any gardener proud, and our annual plants and flowers are ideal for the flower beds, container gardens or hanging baskets that grace your yard. From spring geraniums to fall mums, our collection of annual plants is extensive and changes seasonally. The following are a few of our most popular varieties of annuals in Raleigh:
